måndag 10 januari 2011

Christmas Eve'

Mince Pies

Micks brother and parents

Fist snow I've ever seen in England

Sal and Mick

Maddy decorates one of the mugs Tom's dad had given
us for christmas

Vicky was removed for a bit
And John liked the result




Tom and a not so great crown

Mum and me


A happy gang

John with Vicky's new camera

The King, the star indicates sheriff status

Vicky had bought a new Canon which she was very
pleased with, John tried it out

John and Vicky

Maddy told Vicky about the wild leopards

Me, Mum and Tom went over to Toms parents over Christmas. I had been worried all week about getting there. The snow was causing problems all over but we were so lucky and got there for the 23rd as planned. In the taxi to the airport me and Tom shared a to cheesy for word moment miming to "Driving home for Christmas" as it played on the radio in the blizzard.
On Christmas Eve' we went to a pub for a big family meal...

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